Monday, May 4, 2009

The Biologist - Giant River Otters

Giant river Otters are mammals.
Size of animal
Giant river otters can grow to over six feet long and weigh more than 70 pounds.
What it eats
Giant river otters eat mostly fish, but they will also eat small reptiles such as snakes and caiman, and also birds. and meat eaters.
How it captures prey
They use their whiskers to find prey. Giant river otters hunt together in the water. They can hold their breath for several minutes as they search for food in the water.
How it protects itself
Giant river otters will make a loud snorting noise when they are frightened.and can be attacked by caimans, jaguars, pumas, and anacondas.
Other facts
The giant river otter is the rarest mammal in the Amazon. They are highly endangered. They are the largest otters in the world. They live in family groups of five to nine animals. They have webbed feet to help them swim.


  1. Hey guys I think its going really well!!!

    <3 K I R I

  2. Hae PAULA KIRI EMMA and me ROCK SOOOOOMUCH only if emma was here I WULD OF BEEEN BETTA <3 2 da peps hu roocckkk
